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CYHA Volunteers

Volunteer Information

For the 2024-2025 season volunteer hours will be 10 hours per family with a $750 volunteer deposit per family due at registration.  Families may write one check for $750 or two checks for $375. More details below in '2024-2025 Volunteer Policy' section.

Cougar Cubs, Mite D and Junior Gold players are not required to complete volunteer hours. 

Please direct any questions to

Main Volunteer Opportunities

Please mark your calendars for these dates. These are the largest volunteer opportunities we will have this season. There will be other miscellaneous opportunities not listed below that will have very limited hours – please do not count on these.

Tryouts: September 15th – October 13th. Various days/times/locations. POSTED AND AVAILABLE

Bantam Preview: October 18th-20th 2024. POSTED AND AVAILABLE

Girls Tournament: December 5-8th 2024. Super Rink. POSTED AND AVAILABLE

Boys Tournament: January 10th-12th 2025. Centennial Sports Arena

Who can volunteer?

Any adult (18+) can volunteer as long as they meet the requirements for the role posted. This includes grandparents, aunts/uncles, etc.

How to register as a volunteer

Everyone must complete steps 1 and 2. Steps 3 and 4 are needed based on volunteer role selected.

1. Register as a volunteer through USA Hockey:

2. Sign up as a CYHA volunteer here:

3. Complete Background check: This is only needed once every two years. When you log into the site, it will tell you if you do not need to complete one.

                Needed for locker room monitors and on-ice liason

4. Complete Safesport Training:

                Needed for locker room monitors and on-ice liason

How to sign up for volunteer opportunities (Dibs)?

  1. Log into the CYHA website.  Click on the DIBS tab on the top navigation bar. Here is the direct link for the 2024-2025 season:
  2. You can adjust the parameters at the top of the page for the dates, length of shifts and location of your choosing.
  3. Click on the type of DIBS Item you are interested in reviewing for shifts.  Review the details and then click the ‘Claim this Dib Item’ button that will appear at the bottom of the page to sign up or claim the session.
  4. When claiming your dib item, ensure you are only selecting your athlete’s name/account under the ‘Athlete’ value. Do not select your name under the ‘Athlete’ section! Ideally, all dibs opportunities will be claimed under one athlete’s name for the season. For example, if you have 3 children, put all dibs items under your first child’s name for Athlete. This makes reporting much easier.
  5. An email reminder will be sent to the email address listed on the account profile 1 day prior to the day of your shift.
  6. If you need to cancel your DIBS session you must do this through DIBS. Please note – we typically don’t allow cancellations within 2 days of your scheduled session!

Volunteer Roles and Responsibilities

Locker Room Monitor (tryouts): Supervise locker room. No cell phones allowed. In order to fulfill this position, you must complete steps 1-4 in volunteer registration section.

Check in Players (tryouts): Ensure all players attending tryouts are correctly checked in with the right tryout jersey number.

Bench (tryouts): Assist in opening doors and making sure the right kids are out for each rotation.

Goalie Rotation (tryouts): Assist in goalie rotations at tryouts

Clock (tryouts): The people running tryouts will let you know what time they want on the clock. Ensure clock runs smoothly so everyone gets through shifts at tryouts.

On-Ice Liaison (tryouts): Assist evaluators with various tryout activities. In order to fulfill this position, you must complete steps 1-4 in volunteer registration section.

Runner/Team Check in (tournaments): Make sure teams are checked in appropriately. Help tournament committee with various tasks.

Gamesheet (tournaments): Run gamesheet for tournament games. There are tutorial videos located here:

Penalty Box (tournaments): Open penalty box doors as needed

Time Clock (tournaments): Run game clock for tournament games.

Announcer (tournaments): Announce goals and penalties at tournament games.

The Registration "CYHA Volunteers" is not currently available.

Kaylee Wissink

Volunteer Director

2024-2025 Volunteer Policy

Centennial Youth Hockey Association depends on the assistance of its members to function as a successful organization.  It is critical that we all share in the commitment to produce a program that operates efficiently.  This year 10 volunteer hours per family will be required to satisfy this need.  Volunteer opportunities can be completed from April through March each year.  A $750 deposit payable to CYHA will be required at the time of registration along with the volunteer hour contract, and held until the end of the season. Checks will not be returned upon completion of volunteer hours, but will be shredded to save mailing costs.

New this year: If families know they will not be volunteering, there is the option to buy-out your volunteer hours at the beginning of the season.