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CYHA Board Members/Managers/Volunteers

Season Registration

Any board members or volunteers that are going to help with tryouts must, at a minimum, complete the registration and background check if they are not current.  Background checks are good for 2 seasons!

CYHA Board Members, Team managers and Volunteers need to register with CYHA in order to be placed on a roster or if you are volunteering to fulfill any DIBS that have player interaction.  Please make sure you receive the confirmation email – ensuring your registration was completed.

Any registration questions or concerns please contact Deb Matko 


Returning staff can look up last years credentials on the CYHA Staff page.

Steps 1-4 to the right ------>


The Registration "CYHA Board Members/Managers/Volunteers" is not currently available.



If you have questions, feel free to contact Deb Matko, Registrar at

Team Manager's News Feed

NOTE: You MUST complete step # 2 below!!!

If you do all of the tasks on this page and skip step #2 below - none of your information will get to the Registrar to be rostered!!!  It would be the equivalent of doing your homework and not ever turning it in.

Registration Steps 1-4

1. (Annual) USA Hockey ID: 

Goto USA Hockey and obtain a current Volunteer or Manager USA Hockey ID. (Link below - The registration is free.)

2. (Annual) Register with CYHA as a Board Member, Manager or Volunteer

When you have finished the registration link below, you will receive a confirmation email upon submission.  If you don't get the email, you didn't finish.  To finish the registration, you will need:   Current Manager or Volunteer USA Hockey ID

The Registration "CYHA Board Members/Managers/Volunteers" is not currently available.

3. (Annual) SafeSport

All Board Members, Managers and Volunteers must complete the SafeSport course before they can be rostered, and also before they can have any interaction with the players (on or off the ice).  SafeSport is now an annual requirement.  To get to the SafeSport course, please follow these instructions:

  1. Goto the USA Hockey SafeSport page (Link below)
  2. Login to the site with your USA Hockey ID credentials
  3. Click the red “Click here for U.S. Center for SafeSport Training” box at the top of the page
  4. Complete all of the modules or the refresher.
  5. Note:  The SafeSport course will clear within 24 hours of completion

4.  (Every 2 years) Background Screening

All Board Members, Managers and Volunteers must complete a background screening every 2 years.  The background screening must be clear before you can be rostered, and also before you can have any interaction with the players (on or off the ice).  If your screening is still valid, it will tell you.

  1. Goto the USA Hockey Background Screen page (Link below)
  2. Login to the site with your USA Hockey ID credentials
  3. Click the red “Click here to begin a new background screen” box in the middle of the page
  4. Follow the instructions to complete the screening.  You will be charged a fee (~$30) to complete the course – you can submit the receipt and a reimbursement request to CYHA for reimbursement.
  5. Note:  Background screening can take 7-10 days to clear, sometimes it takes much longer.  Submit this asap.


Managers are allowed to manage more than one team however a manger is only allowed to manage team finances on ONE team only.

Team Checking Account

All managers must use the register and budget form that is located to the right hand side of this manager page.   These documents must be sent out to the team on a monthly basis.  

Team managers are also not allowed to manager finances on different teams, if you are managing more than one team you will need to find someone to help you manger the finances on the remaining teams.

Tournaments and Ref's

The association will send each team a bill for the tournaments that the association has put the team in.  Please note that the association will cover 50% of the tournaments CYHA registers on your behalf.

Teams are responsible to obtain ref's for scrimmages and the team is also responsible to pay for these ref's from their team assessment please budget accordingly.

Game Scoresheets (Only those not in GameSheet)

Managers remember that the white copy of Scoresheets are to be sent into D10 NOT the goldenrod copy as states on the pages of the book D10 must have the white copies books are incorrect on the pages.  Any questions contact your D10 level rep.

Let's PLay Hockey Article Submittal

Let’s Play Hockey wants to publish your hockey stories. From tournament reports, to feature stories on teams, players or coaches, to opinion pieces on the game of hockey, to team photos, to you name it, Let’s Play Hockey always accepts submissions from readers throughout the hockey community

Kaylee Wissink

Volunteer Director

Additional Team Book Docs and Forms

Electronic copies of the documents and forms in the Team Books. Includes Team and Coach label templates, arena clock instructions, scrimmage forms, etc.